E-Learning Training Courses for Professionals
Before you select your course, please look at the notes on how to make a referral below. Note: You will also only be able to see and access the course if the organisation you work for has been given access.
See learning objectives for all courses here
Accessing Training
Here are the steps required to access training (registering).
- Click on the training course you would like to use.
- Click on: “MAKE A REFERRAL”
- In the registrations form, the professional should add in the fields: – Work email address (NOT PERSONAL), – Gender, – Name, – Age (put 0), – Specified Offence (put Not Applicable). – Risk of Harm Level (put Not Applicable), – Company / Organisation you work in and then select the course you would like to take.
- You will then receive an email with a username and password (it is sent to the email address you registered with).
- Follow the link in the email or visit this page.
- Enter your username and password.
- You will now be able to access the training.
Note: You will need to repeat this process for each individual training event and only the courses your organisation has subscribed to will be visible in the dropdown menu on the registration form.